About Nature Coaching



Nature coaching is a type of coaching that takes place in the outdoors, in a natural setting. It is a proven preventative method for dealing with stress or burn-out related symptoms but also in the treatment of it. The serene, safe and green environment relaxes the nervous system and activates the body's innate ability to restore itself.  


People like working towards a goal which can easily turn into making everything we do about achieving some outcome. When this happens over a longer period of time, we become exhausted and stressed. It's simply impossible for a person to always be 'on', to always have to do something and always have to accomplish something.  One of the first things to go in a busy lifestyle is time for doing nothing. Space to feel and simply be, space for emptiness become a rarity.  One of the most ideal and healing places to find some calm and space is nature. Nature is available at any given moment, for everyone and does not have any expectations, judgment or goals. It is simply there and helps us to slow down our pace in order for us to recharge ourselves and participate in our daily life with more connectedness to ourselves and others.   



Still about 25% of the adult population in the Netherlands does not go into nature more than a couple of times a year. And that's including a visit to their own garden! The modern urbanite spends an increasing amount of time behind their laptop or Ipad, far removed from nature.  During the hustle and bustle of daily life people simply forget to connect with nature around them. More importantly, they forget that they are themselves a part of nature. Based on scientific research, there is a direct correlation between the decreasing health and increasing alienation from nature. On the one hand urban surroundings bring a lot more stimulus that can create stress and incite unhealthy habits or behaviour as opposed to a natural surrounding. More time in the city equals an increased exposure to health risks. 


On the other hand natural surroundings have proven their healing capacities since ancient times. During a recent survey from Intomart for De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar it turned out that a staggering 96% of Dutch people feel healthier and calmer after a visit to nature. The lesser time spend in nature, the less they can benefit its healthy qualities. Research shows that nature has a healing and calming effect in our nervous system and tremendous positive impact on our mental and physical health.  



"To bring you back in touch with nature and your natural self. I'd like to contribute to a movement of greater consciousness where it is considered normal to live a life which is balanced and filled with time spent in the outdoors. With so many city people suffering from burn-out, chronic illness, stress and depression, it is my experience that spending time in nature and applying natural principles to our life, can be the start of greater wellbeing, clarity and relief. I'm here to guide and inspire you on your personal journey."


When you have questions or would like to find out if nature coaching is for your,  do not hesitate to contact me through the form below. 

Individual  nature coaching

daily nature  group walks

international retreats

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Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better... - Albert Einstein




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